Lula government tries to guide broadcasters to focus on Bolsonaro’s “jewelry case” and postpones ministerial reform
After GloboNews broadcast, now it was CNN Brazil’s turn to ratify the story that the country’s Ministry of Justice would be committed to “guiding the press” in the case of the investigation on the purchase and sale of jewelry presented by heads of state to former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL ).
Last Friday (19), the J10’s feature reporter declared that he had spoken with “a minister” by email and the member of the Lula government would have advised the Rede Globo employee to “focus on the jewelry” instead of questioning about ministerial reform.
“They want the focus to be on these complaints that are appearing. In fact, this morning, I sent a message to the minister – to ask about another matter, the ministerial reform – if there would be an announcement of a new minister. He said the following: ‘No, nothing like that. Not today, not in the next few days. You guys have to stay focused on (Mauro) Cid and (Walter the hacker) Delgatti. The press has already a lot of work to do. So, forget this ministerial reform story for now.”, he revealed.
CNN Brazil reveals Lula’s strategy
On Tuesday (22), CNN Brasil admitted during the Bastidor 360 broadcast that the Lula government will postpone the change of ministers so that the media does not lose focus on the Bolsonaro case.
The article was reproduced on the channel’s website. In the digital version, CNN describes that “the Lula government put its foot on the brake” on the ministerial reform so as not to draw attention to the “jewelry scandal” linked to former President Bolsonaro.
“According to CNN’s findings, the political core of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s (PT) management preferred to wait a little longer and await the return of the president from South Africa –where he participates in the Brics summit–, in order to avoid changing the focus of the news”.